In March 1995, the Hellenic Association for the Cogeneration of Heat and Power (HACHP) was founded as a non-profit, scientific organization. Membership of HACHP can be physical persons, companies, organizations, institutes, etc, working in CHP.
The Role of HACHP:
The Hellenic Association for the Cogeneration of Heat and Power (HACHP):
- Monitors the local & international evolution regarding Cogeneration of Heat and Power, District Heating & Cooling and Sustainable Development.
- Supplies technical, environmental, financial, economical, legal and other technical information and expertise about Cogeneration to anyone interested.
- Exchanges information and technical experience among its members.
- Locates possible obstacles in promoting and applying cogeneration, and takes the lead needed for over-passing them.
- Advices and assists the Greek Government on Cogeneration issues.
- Organizes seminars, conventions, exhibitions etc. and participates in similar events in Europe (i.e. European conference of COGEN EUROPE)
HACHP achieves the above-mentioned purposes by any legal and scientifically approved mean.
International collaborations
The Hellenic Association for the Cogeneration of Heat and Power (HACHP) collaborates closely with similar Associations/Organizations in other countries, especially in SE Europe and is a member of COGEN Europe, from 1996.
HACHP contributes to the European Cogeneration Review by responding to the relative questionnaire.
HACHP also contributes to the work, done by different workgroups of COGEN Europe, by exchanging information about cogeneration and collaborates with the Policy section of COGEN Europe, especially during the discussion of EU Directives, affecting CHP.
HACHP participates to all Conferences, workshops and Exhibitions in Greece, which are focusing on Energy and Energy Efficiency issues. Also, HACHP participated to the Conferences on CHP, organized by COGEN Europe, in Brussels, in an annual basis.
HACHP organized two International Conferences, in 2005 and 2011, both in Thessaloniki, where the situation of CHP in SE Europe was discussed with experts from all SE European countries, members or not of EU.
Participation of HACHP in EU funded projects on CHP:
- In 1999, HACHP participated to a European financed, under SAVE, Project called EDUCOGEN. During the course of the project a detailed educational material for Cogeneration, suitable for students (in undergraduate and graduate level) young engineers, etc, was created and distributed to many technical schools and Universities in EU’s Member States.
- In 2004, HACHP participated, among other participants, including COGEN EUROPE, to a European financed, under SAVE, Project called CHAPNET. The project concerns the creation & operation of a Thematic Network on Combined Heat & Power & addresses a number of the priorities for 5FP, including mitigation of emissions, international co-operation & pre-normative research. The primary objective of the Thematic Network was to build a critical mass of RTD knowledge, expertise & strategic direction on CHP in Europe with a vision of 20 years. This objective was consistent with the long-term development of CHP technologies to meet EU targets for growth & to deliver substantial benefits in terms of greenhouse gas reductions, EU competitiveness and sustainable development. It was also a key element in ensuring that Europe maintains a competitive global advantage in CHP. It facilitated & encouraged collaboration, co-operation & exchange among EC-supported research projects and researchers, by clustering activities into key areas of work for CHP.
- In 2008, HACHP participated, among other participants, including COGEN EUROPE, to a European financed, under INTELLIGENT ENERGY FOR EUROPE IEE, Project called CODE (Cogeneration Observatory and Dissemination Europe). HACHP was part of a consortium delivering an EU-wide independent assessment of the progress of the Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC. Key focus included the potential for cogeneration across the EU27, the action member states have taken to drive CHP uptake, the impact on interest scenarios of the fiscal support mechanisms and the role of CHP as we seek to decarbonise the energy sector. Delivery work packages include:
- Analysis of MS potentials and assessment of the level of implementation. HACHP was responsible for all the CHP data for the EU M-S of SE Europe, as Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Romania.
- Modeling the impact of support mechanisms
- Identify best practice case studies
- Analysis of MS progress reports
- Draft CHP Roadmap for Europe.
The project completed in June 2011 with success and further information can be found in the following address:
- In July 2012, HACHP participates, among other participants, including COGEN EUROPE, to a European financed, under INTELLIGENT ENERGY FOR EUROPE IEE, Project called CODE 2.
This is a way a continuation of CODE, but the attention is now mainly on micro-CHP and CHP with RES (biogas, biomass) and the implications of the new Energy Efficiency Directive on CHP.
The Project started in early July 2012 and its duration was 30 months, until December 2014.
Communication Information:
Hellenic Association for Cogeneration of Heat and Power
Address: 7, Ioustinianou Str., Athens, 114 73 Greece
Tel: +